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A word from one of our sponsors.
"Developments For Africa is working to change and improve the lives of people in Cameroon. Having lived in Cameroon for 4 years & visited there since, I know firsthand the suffering the people endure to eke out a hand-to-mouth living without jobs or government assistance.
Thanks for the hard work of the Directors & Sponsors, Dev. For Africa is working to meet those needs. So much more remains to be done and, CAN BE DONE WITR YOUR HELP.
PROMOTION OF A HEALTEY LIVING ENVIRONMET If you think wealth inequality is bad here in the US, a visit to Sub Saharan Africa will appall you. Those who suffer most are the children. Many often abandon school, to help their families grow food that is barely enough to sustain them. We believe in the development of the whole village community: from cradle to grave.
This means:
Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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A concept for green, ecological, environmentally conscious agriculture for Africa, to educate and revolutionize the way rural farmers think of their role in the conservation of the World’s environment.
Copyright © 2021 DEVELOPMENTS FOR AFRICA - All Rights Reserved. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR -MEPIE@DEVELOPMENTSFORAFRICA.ORG P. O. BOX 310 - CEDAR HILL - TEXAS - 75106-0310 USA - 001-469-454-2462 - CAMEROON # 011-237-960-292-61 =
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